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Have you found rest?

Bern, Switzerland [CD EUDNews]. President Bruno Vertallier’s message at the Biannual Executive Committee: "2000 years of Christianity have already gone by, have we found rest? 150 years of Adventism have already gone by, have we found rest? Since Adam

Have you found rest?

Bruno Vertallier; EUD President


Bern, Switzerland [CD EUDNews]. President Bruno Vertallier’s message at the Biannual Executive Committee:

"2000 years of Christianity have already gone by, have we found rest? 150 years of Adventism have already gone by, have we found rest? Since Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden all mankind is looking for rest and protection. They built the tower of Babel, they built cities and great walls, they built cities of refuge, but they never found real rest.

Only God and His voice can bring true rest.

The inspired author of Hebrews writes (3:7): "Today if you hear His voice, harden not your hearts." This was written 3 times, 3:7, 3:15 and again 4:7, in the context of where to find rest. I trust that today we still want to hear the Word of God and find rest. In these texts the Israelites were to remember to find rest in listening to the Word of God.

1. The promise to enter Canaan - after the wilderness experience it was good to be in Canaan and experience rest.

2. The Sabbath - the Sabbath is a day of rest but is primarily an invitation to find rest in God and hearing the voice of God. It is not an interpretation of the voice of God, but the voice of God. It is not easy, of course.

The pioneers sometimes had difficulty in hearing the voice of God. It was even harder because they were bickering on what was right. Even Ellen G. White, the servant of the Lord, could not bring unity. It takes a lot of humility to hear God’s voice. It was hard to convince the remnant that they had to engage in a world mission. It was hard to convince them of the need of administration. It was hard to bring them together on the understanding of salvation by grace.

Today we still need to find rest, by listening to God, and hearing the Word of God. I suggest that the best way to find rest is to believe in the second coming of Jesus, just like the Israelites believed before they entered into Canaan.

As Seventh day Adventists, we celebrate 150 years of Adventism. I am grateful to God because during these 150 years, the church has never given up! For some it is a sad anniversary. Why? Because we should have already been in heaven. When I hear that, I feel distressed because I think it inflicts guilt on the church and on the people of God. I do not think it is God’s intention to impose guilt on an event that is in His hands.

Contemplating on the above:

Were the apostles not faithful enough, seeing that Jesus did not come in their time?

Have Christians been unfaithful considering Jesus did not come for 2000 years?

Has my dad been unfaithful, as a pastor, considering Jesus did not come during his time?

If Jesus does not come in this generation as we hope, will our children tell us that we have not been faithful enough?

Honestly, what I think is important is that He comes back in spite of the many challenges. The only way to find rest is to rest in the Word of God and depend on His grace. What he has said will be accomplished. The prophesies and the signs of the times are not to tell us the date of His coming but to remind us that He is coming and we are to be ready when He comes. To be ready, not through our actions but through the merits of Christ. I want rest in His presence.

Sometimes I perceive that there is a spirit of fear in our church regarding these last days and conspiracy is everywhere. The prophesies and writings of EGW are used abusively to induce fear. The message is, “You are not a good Adventist if you do not preach the fear of the soon-coming persecutions”. I do not fear what is coming, and it is not because I am braver than anyone else. I know, as you do, what is coming, I have read the Bible and what is coming is bad news. But I do not want to fear because Jesus has said, "come unto me and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28). Personally, what is most important is that Jesus is victorious. (Revelation 12). He has done everything on the cross so that I may be saved.

God wants me and you to rest. Let us remember that He has prepared a New Canaan, wherein dwells an everlasting Sabbath spirit because God will reign at the center of His people.

150 years have already flown by, the Second coming of Jesus is more and more imminent. Let’s continue our mission with joy and personal commitment and we will finally find His rest at last."

picture: the biannual EUD executive board;