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European Media Conference in Spain

Discovering the essence. Together. From March 23 to 28 in Spain.

European Media Conference in Spain

Bern, Switzerland.EUD NEWS.

The European Media Conference (GAIN) will take place in about one month. Numerous professionals and communicators will meet to explore the most interesting and important issues related to Communications.

The Inter-European Division and the Trans-European Division are working hand in hand, committed to improving the state of communication in Europe.

Have you registered and booked your ticket yet? You really don't want to miss this incredible networking event. Join us now.

The main concept of European GAIN

The concept of GAiN (Global Adventist Internet Network) was developed by the General Conference Communication department to provide networking and training opportunities for those who serve the mission of the Church in this important area both as paid employees and as committed lay-members.

GC runs GAiN on an annual basis. However, while an excellent programme, it switches Divisions each year and the flight costs will make it too expensive for most of our communicators to attend on a regular basis. (2017 is in Brazil with proposals for Japan, India and S Africa in later years.)

The rationale behind running a European GAiN on an annual basis is:

  • Technology is continuously changing and those working in the medias encompassed by GAiN need regular updating.
  • Communication networking is important and an ideas exchange can happen best in a live environment.
  • The event can inspire lay professionals and young people to become more actively involved in the Mission of the Church as they discover how their skills sets can be used.


To have more info and detail about the event, go here.