Italian Adventist Retirement Home 'Casa Mia' celebrates two centenarian guests

The mayor of Forlì and the welfare councilor bring greetings from the city.

Notizie Avventiste, EUDNews.


When a person reaches a century of life it is already news, but if there are two such long-lived birthdays, then the rumor reaches the town hall. It happened in Forlì.

May 16th was a day of great celebration and emotion in the "Casa Mia" retirement home, for the celebration of the 100th birthday of two special ladies: Gaspera Contoli and Angelina Rossi.

In an atmosphere of joy and serenity, surrounded by the affection of their loved ones, both centenarians blew out the candles on the cake, and received greetings and gifts from the whole family.

“It is an extraordinary achievement that fills us with pride and deep emotion,” commented Fabian Nikolaus, the director of the facility. “One hundred years of life lived with courage, tenacity and love, a precious example for all of us.”

The mayor of Forlì, Gianluca Zattini, and the councilor for welfare, Barbara Rossi, also participated in the party, bringing the greetings of the city and honoring the guests with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a commemorative parchment in the name of the Municipality.

Mrs. Contoli, born in Imola on 11 May 1924, dedicated her life to her family, raising her children with love and commitment. Mrs Rossi, born in Vicenza on 18 May 1924, instead worked tirelessly, always with a smile on her face and the joy of living.

“Both women, despite the passage of time, retain an admirable mental clarity and vitality, still demonstrating great strength of mind and a contagious desire to live today,” continued Nikolaus. “Their story is a warning to all of us to never waste even a moment of this precious life, to cultivate bonds with the people we love and to face every challenge with courage and positivity. To these two extraordinary women, best wishes for many more happy and peaceful years!” Nikolaus concluded.

The online newspaper, Forlì Today, also reported the event.

To read the original article, please go here.

To learn more about the Forlì retirement home, please go here.

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