Sagunto: 50 years educating for eternity

The 50th anniversary program was loaded with spiritual and social moments.

Robert Caleb Luna


Last weekend, from July 12 to 14, the Sagunto Adventist Campus (CAS) celebrated its 50th anniversary with great enthusiasm. The commemoration took place at the campus sports center, with more than 1,200 registrants enjoying a series of activities and events designed to remember and celebrate half a century of "education for eternity."

The three days became a space for reunions for many alumni and CAS staff. Smiles and sincere hugs were a constant throughout the weekend, highlighting the spirit of community and brotherhood. Testimonials from pioneers, former students and employees were especially moving, as they shared their experiences and how the campus has impacted their lives.

Personalities present

Various authorities joined the celebration, such as the national deputy, Mr. Óscar Clavel, the mayor of the Sagunto City Council, Mr. Darío Moreno, councillors, former mayors, and other local authorities. The days, full of significant details, were marked by a series of inspiring presentations that reviewed the history of the campus, and the importance of an education based on the Bible with perspectives of eternity. A highlighted point was not only how God has guided the institution in the past, but also how He continues to guide it into the future, with a renewed focus on the educational and spiritual mission of CAS.

For this, we had the presence of Dr. Lisa Beardsley-Hardy, director of the Education Department at the General Conference; Bill Knott, associate director of Religious Liberty and Public Affairs for the General Conference; Pastor Mario Brito, president of the Inter-European Division; Pastor Julio Carlos Santos, secretary of the Portuguese Union; Pastor Óscar López, president of the Spanish Union, and Dr. Roberto Badenas, founder and pioneer of the CAS, among other prominent personalities who offered inspiring presentations, full of memories, highlighting the importance of Adventist education and its foundation.

The program

The 50th anniversary program was loaded with spiritual and social moments. It included a variety of activities that allowed attendees to actively participate. All attendees were able to enjoy the traditional and historic “Reception” party where, among friends, and enjoying a cocktail in the gardens of the Pergola, everyone enjoyed a pleasant time between testimonies, music, and camaraderie. Subsequently, the organizing team remembered the various social evenings and plays from long ago, allowing people to live and relive the first decades of this campus with laughter, joy, and even tears of emotion.

Like any celebration, "gifts" are unveiled, and, in this edition, two sites were inaugurated that will mark the experiences of hundreds of people who pass through the campus. The first of them was led by Dámaris López, director of the Art Academy, who, together with her team, presented the “Fruit of the Spirit” catwalk at the entrance of the girls' residence. The creation, revealed through figures made with the technique of "trencadis", were able to represent the fruits of the Spirit in a graphic way.

Another of the sites inaugurated was the "Plaza de la Familia" in recognition of the hundreds of families who entrust the education of their children to our campus every day. This special part was led by Dr. Víctor Armenteros, dean of the Adventist Faculty of Theology, who, through a meaningful "proclamation", presented the monument made on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary, which highlights three vital institutions in the formation of the children and young people: church, school, and family. At the end, all attendees tasted the typical and delicious horchata, with their respective fartons.

Campus Bible

The greatest gift the campus received was the culmination of the “Sagunto Adventist Campus Bible” project. In alliance with the Safeliz publishing house, a Bible was designed that presents an exclusive design and ideal content for all those who live in the educational community. This special edition (which will be available at not only includes the traditional biblical text, but also comments, reflections, and additional studies and texts that highlight the values, mission, and history of the institution. We hope that this Bible will become a tangible symbol of the commitment to comprehensive education focused on eternity and the spiritual growth of the campus.

One of the most interactive activities were the contests carried out by Professor Manel López, who, through the Kahoot platform, challenged the memory of adults and young people. Through “the greatest history class,” as he stated, we were able to review and, for some, understand the funny and curious anecdotes of the CAS.

The opportunities for attendees to reconnect with old friends and colleagues were countless.

Historical Concert

During this weekend, music was very present, filling the atmosphere with emotion and memories. They were three intense days, full of worship and praise, where history was presented in a melodious way. This was particularly true with the special "Historical Concert" on Saturday afternoon, which included a variety of songs and the participation of flagship groups of the institution, who managed to remind us of great musical moments in our history.

Each performance was a window to the past, allowing attendees to relive iconic and significant moments through music. The directors and leaders of each group not only led their respective presentations, but also shared their personal experiences, anecdotes and reflections on the musical and spiritual evolution of the institution. Their stories added a layer of depth and emotional connection, further enriching the weekend experience.

Flag parade

The celebration concluded with a flag parade, demonstrating the great cultural wealth and international impact of the CAS, and an emotional ceremony of thanks to the families of those pioneers who laid the foundations of the Campus as well as the institutions that have accompanied the campus for half a century. All staff were recognized with a commemorative medal for their work over the years. From the youngest to the oldest, they took part in this emotional and sincere act of gratitude.

The 50th anniversary of the Sagunto Adventist Campus was not only an occasion to celebrate the past, but also to renew commitment to the Lord for the future in an emotional reconsecration ceremony. The testimonies, reunions, music, and inspiring words contributed to an unforgettable weekend, full of reflection, gratitude, and hope. We thank God because “the Lord has helped us up to this point” (1 Samuel 7:12) and we are convinced that Hd will continue to do so in the future.

To read the original article, please go here.

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