Youth Sabbath 2024 in Austria

Hundreds of young people flocked from Austria, Germany and Switzerland.

Kevin Noltze, Andreas Mazza, EUDNews.


The Youth Sabbath in Bogenhofen brings together all those for whom this place is special. Bogenhofen is not just a place, it is a symbol for Adventists in Austria and beyond.

This event has been on the calendar for a long time for many people. It has become a fixed point in young Adventists’ annual planning, a feeling that accompanies them for weeks beforehand.

Hundreds of young people flocked to Bogenhofen to take part in the weekend, most coming mainly from Austria, but also numerous from Germany and a few from Switzerland.

The experience doesn't just begin after arrival, but rather on arrival. Full of anticipation, all participants set off on Friday in order to be there in time for the start of the event. When participants arrive in Bogenhofen, there is a touch of exciting anticipation in the air. Who will they meet first? Who will they make new acquaintances with? What kind of message is waiting for them?

These are all questions bouncing around in their heads as they drive the last few meters down the road to ‘Bogi’.

And the themes and activities did not disappoint. In any case, the focus is on relationships, namely with Jesus Christ and with other people who are on the path to eternity.

The program

There was a lot on the program. Accordingly, in addition to the speeches by the main speaker, Johannes Waniek, there were several workshops on inspiring topics.

There were more than enough opportunities to socialize. This particularly included the lively evening in the juice shop, where delicious snacks were waiting for participants, and the sports day on Sunday. The newly formed relationships are strengthened through team sports, and old friendships are intensively experienced again. All in all, the perfect concept.

The Spiritual Theme

The spiritual theme of the weekend was ‘Serve’. It was an appeal to those listening to make themselves available to God in order to serve their neighbors, because every day is a “Serving Day”.

God wants to use us. He wants us to be a tool in His hand to enrich people.

Over the course of the weekend, the attention to detail shown by the Young Community team, with the support of the Youth Working Group and others, was certainly not lost on any attentive eye. Whether it was the vegan gummy bears, the fabric ribbons with this year's catchphrase, or the beautiful music contributions, these and much more were carefully thought out. Even emergency deodorants were available for those who had forgotten something while hastily packing.

The highlight of every Youth Sabbath is definitely experiencing the interaction with so many like-minded young people. Appreciative hugs, handshakes full of enthusiasm, and stimulating conversations are waiting for you on Youth Sabbath 2025 (May 9th - 11th). Be there next year!

To watch the event on Youtube, please go here.

To read the original article, please go here.

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