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ADRA Italia supporting humanitarian efforts in Earthquake Region

The humanitarian agency continues to run a supply warehouse and distribute basic necessities.

ADRA Italia supporting humanitarian efforts in Earthquake Region

(credit: Adra Italia)

Bern, Switzerland.Notizie Avventiste, CD-EUDNews.

ADRA Italia (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) immediately mobilized itself after the recent earthquakes that brought central Apennine municipalities and hamlets to their knees, within the regions of Lazio, Marche, Abruzzo and Umbria.

“This week, feelings of concern and discomfort flooded our hearts when we thought of the third seismic episode that, within a few months of the recent activities, has again struck central Italy,” affirmed the Adventist humanitarian agency.

“Our friends of Amatrice, who we have been following since the end of August, live in terror of entering enclosed areas. They are experiencing physical exhaustion from the precarious logistical situation and have developed a heightened sensitivity that results in reactions to disaster.

To these feelings we can add images of the tireless emergency operators provided by various institutions, the generous Italians with their donations and, last but not least, the volunteers of numerous humanitarian organisations who offer their time and energy, each in their specific field with regards to their own Mission.”

The earth still shakes but we must also deal with the recent extraordinary snowfalls. It has been several decades since there has been this much snow. There were avalanches that claimed lives and caused dispersions; power lines were cut in various areas and the streets were impassable. The good news for today, January 20, is the rescue of seven people (among which were two children), from the Hotel Rigopiano that was crushed by an avalanche.

“From Monday,” ADRA Italia added, “there will be accessibility to the areas affected by the quake. We will be working with the local volunteers of Lazio to deliver the requested supplies: wood pellets for heaters, thermal wear, snow shovels, shoes and animal feed.”

The humanitarian agency continues to provide direct support to the regular families following the first seismic episode on August 24, at Amatrice, thus creating relationships of trust and friendship.

“In these last months, we have continued our visits to Amatrice, Norcia, Cascia, Scai and other hamlets in the area, where we distributed groceries, hygienic products, heaters, flashlights, washers, and dryers,” ADRA explained.

“Through the help of the volunteers, we tried to respond directly to the specific needs and requests of the families that still live in the quake-affected areas. This is made possible thanks also to the multiple donors who have continued to support us.”

The NOE (Center of Operations for Emergencies) of Rieti asked ADRA to remain one of the food supply warehouses, at the Christian Adventist Church in the city, which is also the headquarters for the agency.

“Continue to support us in the earthquake emergency in central Italy. We will continue to be present in the territory and will stay close to the families,” ADRA requests.

Whoever would like to send a donation can do so at the website, using the payment description “Emergenza Terremoto Centro Italia”, through the following methods:

– bank account number/IBAN: IT 95 E 01030 03203 000000866909  (Bic/Swift:  PASCITM 1 RM3)

– Postal account n. 160 800 04 endorsed to ADRA Italia – Lungotevere Michelangelo, 7 – 00192 Roma

– PayPal, endorsed to ADRA Italia