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Reach the World - I WILL GO

Strategic Plan of the Inter-European Region for the quinquennium 2020-2025

Reach the World - I WILL GO


At the beginning of every quinquennium, the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists (GC), provide a Strategic Plan in order to suggest a unique direction of the worldwide church about its missionary duty. This time the Strategic Plan is oriented around the slogan I will go.

The Inter-European Region of the Seventh-day Adventists (EUD) adopted the main concept of this Strategy, adapting the main focus areas and the main objectives. During the Year-end Meeting, held on October 30-November 2, 2020, via Zoom cause Conoravirus, the 68 members of the Executive voted the adoption of the Strategic Plan of the Inter-European Region for the quinquennium 2020-2025: Reach the world - I will go.

To read the strategic plan, go here.

Here a short resumé.

Vision and Mission

The vision of the Seventh-day Adventists is the completion of God’s plan to restore all His creation. They will illustrate this restoration as followers of Jesus, building a community/family of faith from people of all nations, languages, and cultures in all territory. This community lives and shares the love, joy, hope, and faith of the Gospel, and looks forward to the return of Jesus Christ.

This mission is the raison d’être of the Adventist Movement and through this Strategic Plan, the leadership of the church invite all members to find their place in order to accomplish the mandate untrusted by Jesus to all Christians.

This Strategic Plan rests on two pillars that act as a core value.

The spiritual, focused on : the Bible as the normative authority for Christian life and belief; the spiritual practices of Bible study, prayer, worship, and witnessing; the accountability to God and to each other manifested in biblical morality, integrity, honesty, and responsibility, etc.

The relational, focused on love, compassion, and affirmation of worth towards others; the respect for individuality, giftedness, creativity, and diversity, willing engagement in teamwork, collaboration, and collective decision making.

Focuses areas

Three are the focus area of this strategic plan.

Growth in the Spirit that is to expresses the importance of the encounter, the knowledge and the personal experience with the Lord of life, through a personal and corporate spiritual practice taught in the Word of God, including reading, meditating on, studying, and the sharing the Bible.

Growth in Relationshipsthat means caring for each other as His family. It is the pursuit of brotherhood, of unity with our brothers, of acceptance, of communion and of brotherly love. It means offering forgiveness, shelter, and affection. It means to offer a home to those who are lost and alone, for those who have fallen away. Jesus said: “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Growth in Service and Mission that is a dimension of Christian life as a mandate given to the church and expressing concern for the salvation of all those who accept the Salvation in Jesus.

The Strategic Plan finally suggests a selection of objectives that helps to reach these three focuses areas.

For a better understanding of the strategic plan, open the link here.