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Photo: (credit: ADRA Europe)

ADRA Portugal helping the most deprived families

Twelve years have passed and this national volunteer network has grown.

ADRA Portugal helping the most deprived families

Lisbon, Portugal.Cármen Maciel, Country Director, ADRA Portugal.

In 2008, ADRA Portugal, initiated a program of national projects, to help the most deprived families affected by the economic crisis. At that time, the Portuguese Churches were invited to create local delegations that would design relevant social responses in their geographical areas, using voluntary work. Thus, it was necessary to create manuals of procedures and begin to train and empower the many people who began to register with the recently created National Bank of Volunteering.

Twelve years have passed and this national volunteer network has grown, matured and created projects and actions of great interest and the local utility. Activities were carried out supporting needy families, children in need of school support, elderly people in isolation, homeless people and others in vulnerable situations. At the same time, but less frequently, actions were organized to raise awareness and call for social transformation through the adoption of sustainable, inclusive behaviours that generate greater social justice.

Recently, and in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, ADRA has relied on several long-standing volunteers. It has also opened two separate new calls for volunteers: one for people outside risk groups who could perform emergency relief tasks; and another call to recruit volunteers to support old people’s homes, where residents have become immensely fragile with the spread of the virus.

ADRA Portugal’s action during the COVID-19 pandemic can be summarized as follows:

• continuing to support the beneficiaries we were already helping

• support beneficiaries who have been signaled to us by partners (mainly from Municipal Councils and Parish Councils)

• supporting partner institutions, such as the Food Bank Against Hunger, with volunteers

• continue and strengthen support for homeless people

• shopping for people in isolation/quarantine

• go to the pharmacy or other services for risk groups and people in quarantine

• phone calls offering company and comfort

• design of masks in solidarity (production and donation of masks to volunteers, health professionals, caregivers and other people who are on the front line. Support to elderly institutions).

In mid-March we launched the movement “Contaminate the World with acts of love and compassion”, with photos, videos, testimonies and the hashtag:

#contagieomundoomamorecompaixao in order to share the action of the volunteers. People followed us on Facebook and Instagram and left comments that greatly cheered us up.

Sandra Ferreira, one of our volunteers, said: “At this time of COVID-19, with covered faces and inhibited gestures, and the economic difficulties of families in the country in general, the panorama of sadness is growing. But the love of ADRA volunteers generates light”.

Volunteering is a fundamental part of ADRA’s action in Portugal. We are very grateful for the 1200 or so people who regularly collaborate with us and we feel that they are the face, the feet, the hands and the heart of ADRA among the most vulnerable, in each locality.

The original news was published on the ADRA Europe Facebook Page.