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Anytime access to family and mental health webinars

A fruitful collaboration between the Trans-European Division (TED) and Inter-European Division (EUD) Family Ministries departments.

Anytime access to family and mental health webinars

Karen Holford, TEDNews.

The Trans-European Division (TED) and Inter-European Division (EUD) Family Ministries departments have collaborated to host monthly webinars for leaders and families.

During a joint Family Ministries Advisory in October 2020, leaders from across both Divisions suggested a range of topics that would be useful to their own ministry and to the families in their fields. Recordings of these webinars are now available for anyone to watch at any time. So, if you would like to enrich your learning, your ministry, your family life, and your relationships, you can click on the links below for inspiration, ideas and practical tips.

In May 2021, the former TED Health Ministries director, Dr Helgi Jónsson, who is a psychiatrist working in Iceland, presented a two-part workshop on Mental Health. His webinars gave a very helpful overview of mental health and how to support those who are experiencing different kinds of mental illness. Both part 1 and part 2 can be found TED Family Ministries Resources page.

Other topics have been
• Keep teens engaged in church – Jonatan Tejel (Youth Director EUD)
• Developing characters for eternity – Karen Holford (Family Ministries Director TED)
• Inspired families (nurturing spirituality in the home) – Karen Holford (TED)

The following webinars was presented for the Children’s Ministry Department of the South England Conference:
• Helping children to balance their emotions – Karen Holford 
• Loving Limits - Positive and effective discipline - Karen Holford

The Youth Alive team at the TED have also produced a series of hour-long webinars.
• Creating a caring community – Karen Holford 
• How to involve the church members in mission – Dr Daniel Duda
• Time and choices (time management) – Paul Lockham
• On fire or burning out? – Dr Torben Bergland (GC Health Ministries)
• How to help youth live a healthy life – Dr Helgi Jónsson
• Tips for facilitating a youth discussion – Zlatko Musija
• Introducing spiritual topics into a youth group – Delmar Reis (Albania)
• How Teens Tick – Understanding the teenage brain – Karen Holford

The original article was published on this web site.