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October 9 is Pastor’s Appreciation Day

‘The church needs to pray for pastors and support them in their work’

October 9 is Pastor’s Appreciation Day

Andreas Mazza, EUDnews, Elder's Digest.

The month of October has been designated by Christians worldwide as Clergy Appreciation Month. In the same way that other professions are honored during the year, a date was officially chosen to honor pastors and those who perform ministerial work. The General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists has set the second Saturday of the month for this well-deserved tribute to our pastors.

The nature of what pastors and their families accomplish is unique. God entrusted to them one of the most precious responsibilities: to care for His church. When they fail to fulfill this duty, church members are harmed. In this context, the pastoral family has a great responsibility before God and the church they serve. The church, on the other hand, needs to pray for them and support them in their work.

Why express appreciation to pastors?

Note the Bible command: "Now we ask you, brothers, to respect those who work hard among you, who are over you in the Lord and who admonish you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other" (1 Thess. 5:1213, NIV). "Remember your leaders who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith" (Heb. 13:7, NIV).

Today's increased societal suspicion of all leaders has combined with clergy scandals, occasional mediocre performance by some pastors, and unrealistic expectations from some members to reduce the levels of high esteem with which professional ministers have traditionally been viewed.

Too often it seems easier to criticize than to affirm and express appreciation for the outstanding service that pastors give.

Pastor’s Appreciation Day

On Pastor’s Appreciation Day, church members from more than 150,000 congregations in 215 countries around the world have the opportunity to express gratitude to God and recognition to their pastors.

Churches can appropriately honor their pastors on this day, by making plans to celebrate Pastor’s Appreciation Day. There are several ways to do so, for example by saying a public word of appreciation for the pastoral ministry, dedicating a special prayer to pastors and their families, interviewing the pastoral family, presenting a song that the pastoral family appreciates most, writing a letter or preparing a special card signed by church members/officers, offering a gift in the name of the church, inviting the pastoral family to a meal, calling, texting, or sending messages through social media to your pastor on that day, etc.

What matters most on Pastor’s Appreciation Day is the gratitude and recognition from the local congregation and other church entities.

Additional resources are available from Ministry Magazine.