About 500 people visit the Bible Exhibition in Madrid

Fernanda Faicán Gómez, Revista Adventista.


The Bible Exhibition, ‘ExpoBiblia’, held from September 13 to 15, 2024, in Madrid, was an impressive event attended by approximately 500 people, of whom 40 filled out the surveys and left their opinion and data for follow-up, and several interested parties asked us for the address of the church in order to come closer. The event was a project coordinated and executed by the Seventh-day Adventist Church of Ventas – Madrid.

The cultural biblical exhibition (ExpoBiblia) in Madrid has been a long-awaited project for several years, but it has not been easy to obtain the respective permits. Finally, with the help of the Lord, things have been happening, and we have been able to carry out, with great enthusiasm, our long-awaited project in the Calero Park of Madrid – Ciudad Lineal District.

It is the first time that something like this has been done in Madrid capital. We reached people in a simple but kind way, sharing a truth that we hope can break countless chains so that many people who heard us will be able to experience the freedom that Christ offers us. “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32).

Spiritually enriched

During the inauguration, we had the presence of a few pastors: Rubén Guzmán, current pastor of the Ventas Church; Fernando Bacuilima, outgoing pastor of the Ventas Church; and Óscar López, president of the Spanish Adventist Union.

It was a blessed event both for the people who went through this cultural exhibition of the Bible, as well as for the church. The ExpoBiblia managed to generate unity and teamwork, with a single purpose: to share hope with every person who seeks comfort and words of encouragement. And of one thing I am sure, I believe that all of us who collaborated or went through the exhibition have been spiritually enriched.

About 500 people visited the stand

During those three days, we received visits from about 500 people and, at the end of the tour, people left us words of thanks, impressive testimonies, and deep dialogues with various individuals about the content of the different stands.

As a result, 40 people have filled out the surveys and have left their opinion and data for follow-up. Several interested people also asked us for the address of the church in order to get closer. We trust that the Lord will work in each heart so that the small seed planted in the hearts of all these people can germinate and bear good fruit.


During the Bible exhibition, we jointly carried out some activities for the people who visited us. These included children's activities, run with the help of the Children's Ministry department of our church: face painting for children, balloon distribution, crafts workshops for children, with the collaboration of the children and youth of our church. In addition, on Saturday afternoon, we had some musical performances.

Distribution of Christian literature and missionary books

A lot of Christian literature was distributed, as well as several missionary books: Steps to Christ, The Great Controversy, and several Bibles. These were days of joy and hope, days of unity and brotherhood, united with a single objective: to share hope with those in need.

To read the original article, please go here.

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