Marienhöhe Adventist School Center supports school in Lviv, Ukraine

Marienhöhe Adventist School Center supports school in Lviv, Ukraine


With the support of the Marienhöhe School Center (Darmstadt) and the Adventist aid organization, ADRA, school children from poor backgrounds at the Zhyve Slovo School, in Lviv, receive a tuition subsidy, as well as psychological support and career counseling.

Teachers also receive professional help to process traumatic experiences and reduce stress. The aid organization, ADRA Germany e.V., and the Marienhöhe School Center provide information about this on their websites. The Zhyve Slovo (Living Word) School is run by the Adventist Church in Ukraine. The school has become a safe haven for internally displaced persons from eastern Ukraine. So far, hundreds of refugee families with temporary accommodation near the school have received programs to strengthen their physical, social, and mental well-being. Among other things, a portion of the donations from the Marienhöhe School Center's annual sponsored run is used for this project.


This project will subsidize the education of 14 children from poor families in eastern and western Ukraine. ADRA will cover 65 percent of these children's tuition fees. This measure will help the selected children continue their education at the Adventist Zhyve Slovo School. Classes will be held in person or online, depending on the security situation, to ensure uninterrupted schooling.

Career Guidance

A radio studio will be set up where students can gain practical media experience and develop career interests. There, they will learn how to produce and broadcast their own content. Visiting and using the studio is open to all interested young people. In addition, workshops with experts from various professional fields will be organized to support the young people in choosing careers, ADRA Germany reports.

Support for Teachers

The war has placed an emotional strain on the teachers. They work in a stressful environment and are often affected by the war themselves. The project, therefore, includes a retreat for the school's teachers. There, they have the opportunity to exchange ideas with psychological professionals. They also learn additional pedagogical methods to better manage their work under extreme conditions and respond to the special needs of school children.

Project information (with the option to donate) is available at

Marienhöhe School Center (Darmstadt)

Founded in 1924 as the "Marienhöhe Seminary," the Marienhöhe School Center, in Darmstadt, has had a state-recognized high school since 1950. A secondary school followed in 1993, and an elementary school in 2010. The school center, run as a non-profit limited liability company (GmbH), is an institution of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Germany. It has an on-campus boarding school and is certified as a "health-promoting school" and a "school for climate protection." This school year, the Marienhöhe School Center is celebrating its 100th anniversary with a variety of curricular and extracurricular events.

Further information about the Marienhöhe School Center in Darmstadt can be found at The 100th anniversary website:

ADRA Germany

ADRA Germany e.V., based in Weiterstadt near Darmstadt, was founded in 1987. It has around 50 employees and is closely affiliated with the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It is part of the global ADRA network, which was founded in 1956. It consists of 108 independent national offices and carries out development cooperation projects and humanitarian aid in disaster relief worldwide. ADRA stands for Adventist Development and Relief Agency. ADRA Germany is a founding member of the German Association for Development Policy and Humanitarian Aid (VENRO), "Aktion Deutschland Hilft" (Action Germany Helps), and "Gemeinsam für Afrika" (Together for Africa), among others. Information:

ADRA Ukraine

The aid organization ADRA Ukraine has been officially registered with the authorities since February 21, 1993, and carries out humanitarian projects. It is part of the global ADRA network. Currently, over 270 people work at ADRA Ukraine.

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